My Love Letter To Yoga

Dear Yoga, You are my medicine. You brought me back from a period of my life when I was broken. My mom introduced me to you as a child and because of your connection to her, you have always held a very special place in my heart. I have turned to you in key transitions in my life where I have been lost. Your practice has helped me find myself again and again. When I was at my lowest point right after my marriage ended, I remember an inner voice urging me to get on my mat. Denying my self care, I had not practiced in many years, but I recall an inner knowing that you would save me. During my first few classes, I had such low self worth and was so uncomfortable in my body, that I would hide in the back of the class comparing my appearance and my flexibility to the beautiful yogis in the room. While in shavasana one day, I had a very spiritual experience - a clear vision of my grandmother who was no longer living. She provided encouragement to me and words of comfort. I held...